It’s been a while since I updated my website, apologies for that. I was in a creative funk for a while, but I’m back.
Freya’s Katts, 24x20, Oil, copper on reversed birch panel, NFS.
Another in my now Norse Series:
According to Norse mythology the goddess Freya was gifted by Thor two blue cats as a wedding present when she married Odin.
Her cats are presented here as blue European Lynx. They pulled her chariot. Unfortunately, being cats, they told no one their names.
She also had a cape made of falcon feathers that enabled her to fly, hence the copper feathers, and a necklace that allowed her to do seidr (magic).
Following the long gestation and creation of Freya’s Katts, I have continued with my more organic, floral theme, with the occasional forest fire thrown in for interest. These will likely be shown at VASA in 2024.
Meadow in Flames
24x36, acrylic, $600
A subset of my “floral” pieces are ones of forest fires, such as this. The dry summers in Canada have, unfortunately, produced some stunning images. I store these away mentally and then synthesize what I have seen onto a canvas.
In the Wind
11x14, acrylic, $250
Periwinkle Morning
18x24, acrylic, $420
“What are those flowers’?, people ask. “Whatever you would like them to be”, is my answer. They come from my mind, if they are familiar to you, so much the better, but I don’t know what they are.
Fall Breezes
24x24, acrylic, $480
A cool, breezy fall day. Winter approaches but the sun is still bright and the sky is glorious blue.
16x16, acrylic, $320
July, raspberries (aka razzleberries) are ripe.